The 1948 Palestinian refugees and the individual right of return : An international law analysis 341.486/P A L
Constraints on the waging of war 341.67/K A L
Waiting for justice-Al-Haq: 25 years defending human rights (1979-2004) 341.48109564/W A I
International commissions of inquiry and Palestine : Overview and impact : Study analysis 341.09564/T O N
Common security in outer space and international law 358.8/W O L
Protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict : report on the Meeting of Experts (Geneva, 5-6 October 2000) 341.7677/D U T
Committees or other national bodies for international humanitarian law : report of the meeting of experts, Geneva, 23-25 October 1996 341.67/C O M
water values & Rights: proceeding of the 2nd international conference on water value and rights held in ramallah , Palestine 13-15 April 2009 341.4 / W A T
water values & Rights: proceeding of the international conference on water value and rights held in ramallah , Palestine 2-4 may 2005 341.4 / W A T
Compendium of case studies of international humanitarian law 341.1 / S E T
International law concerning the conduct of hostilities: collection of hague conventions and some other international instruments 341.1 / I N T
Index of international humanitarian law 341.22 / I N D
Foces on humanity a century of photographty : Archives of the international committee of the red cross 341.242 / B O V
Restructuring south Asian Security 341.72/ S A I
how does law protect in war : cases , documents , and teaching materials on contemporary practice R/341.1/S A S
customery international humanitarian law volume 1 : rules R/341.1/H E N
customery international humanitarian law volume 2 : practice part 2 R/341.1/H E N
customery international humanitarian law volume 2 : practice part 1 R/341.1/H E N
customery international humanitarian law : volume 1 rules R/341.1/H E N
commentary on the additional protocols of 8 june 1977 to the geneva convention of 12 august 1949 341.5/C O M
commentary I geneva convention for the amelioration of the condition of the wounded and sick in armed forces in the field 341.5 / P I C
commentary IV genava convention : relative to the protection of civilian persons in time of war 341.5 / U H L
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